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Angel Juicers Customers' reviews, feedback and testimonials sent to us by email-

Page 8

Angel Juicer Angelia video Hello, Just to let you know that the Juicer arrived this morning and this is quite exciting. A minor thing to note however is that the order had 2 brushes and 1 extra silicon ring...whereas my order was actually for the opposite...2 rings and only one brush...not sure what can be done about this for now. I suspect the ring will wear more quickly than the brush hence the reason I had ordered 2 rings...would appreciate to hear what you think might be doable... Many thanks, Patrick/ London United Kingdom ---------- Dear Angelia, thank you very much for your reply. I was able to track the juicer and today I received it. Kind regards Janina ---------- i'm writing this because my husband bought me de angelia juicer on your advice i ordered a second Angelia_Stainless_Juice_Tub so you don't have to send the 2 plastic ones and i would like the 2 silicone rings for it in return, and not the brush thank you so much regards angel/ Belgium
Angel juicer Angelia extracts most nutrition from apples for better health and anti cancer benifit Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
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© Copyright since 1982 -2016 No company, entity, website or individual is permitted to use any part of this website images, materials, codes, testimonials, product descriptions or reviews for the purpose of gaining from advertisement or marketing for any of our products or using our products’ information or materials to market to other companies or for search engines to place advertisements on another website without a written and legally notarized permission from our company. Violation of our copyright is liable to compensate us for all actual and potential damages, losses, and violations. All Rights Reserved   = XML Sitemap Google Feed
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Angel Juicers Customers' reviews,

feedback and testimonials sent to us

by email- Page 8

Angel Juicer Angelia video Hello, Just to let you know that the Juicer arrived this morning and this is quite exciting. A minor thing to note however is that the order had 2 brushes and 1 extra silicon ring...whereas my order was actually for the opposite...2 rings and only one brush...not sure what can be done about this for now. I suspect the ring will wear more quickly than the brush hence the reason I had ordered 2 rings...would appreciate to hear what you think might be doable... Many thanks, Patrick/ London United Kingdom ---------- Dear Angelia, thank you very much for your reply. I was able to track the juicer and today I received it. Kind regards Janina ---------- i'm writing this because my husband bought me de angelia juicer on your advice i ordered a second Angelia_Stainless_Juice_Tub so you don't have to send the 2 plastic ones and i would like the 2 silicone rings for it in return, and not the brush thank you so much regards angel/ Belgium
Angel juicer Angelia extracts most nutrition from apples for better health and anti cancer benifit Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
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